Quote Originally Posted by tallstraw View Post
Dang, that is a thread that we should create. Things involving Xeno estrogens..wtf do I do about deodorant!? That little bit of estrogen is worth not smelling like shit. Id like to create a list where we update the first post often about the everyday things we eat,drink, and use, that contain concentrations of Xeno-Estrogens. As well as what is a replacement or alternative right next to it. I think we'd be doing all of us a favor by making that list.
Common sources include:
• Bovine Growth Hormone
• Tap water
• Laundry detergents
• Chemicals in sunscreens
• BPA, Phthalates and other chemicals found in most plastic
• PCB’s
• Food coloring like Red 3 aka Erythrosine
• Parabens found in cosmetics and shampoos
• Pesticides like vinclozolin
• Insecticides like DDT, DDE, indane (banned in Europe but still in use in the
USA), methoxychlor, etc.
• Fungacides like propiconazole (which happens to be so strong scientists
have investigated it as male contraceptive)
• Fish (farmed fish is even higher in heavy metals than wild caught)
• Most tap water supplies
• Household cleaning agents
• Cookware
• White Flour
• Deodorants
• Pharmaceuticals

This is just the stuff that people get in their system a couple times a day. There are also dietary sources.