Hey guys,

I had some life circumstances come and snatch my hobby away for a few months. School is about to end, and it just isn't smart to continue at this point. I am going to pick back up where I left off and reverse some of the damage.

My question is should I reintroduce my routine for a few weeks before beginning my next planned ph cycle or should I just start cycle day 1 of lifting again. I am feeling pretty terrible with how I look at this point and just want to move forward and forget this ever happened so I can propose to my gf and have great engagement photos asap etc...

The cycle is a cutting/lean bulk stack, so i'm not going to change the planned cycle. Any insight is really appreciated, and I would be happy to complete a cycle log with my gf's help. My first cycle I did not tell her about, but I have already discussed my plans with her. Surprisingly the safety enthusiat/rule follower in her did NOT say no. Def found a keeper lol