So I had a back and forth with Eric today. He was finally indicted. He wrote:

"I actually just got my indictment letter 2 days ago. Very strange timing indeed! This is the first charge they've made since the raid in 2012. I go to San Jose on the 20th of this month to plead not guilty. I'm not yet sure of the court date.

Your email will help me though. They are charging me with distribution of unapproved drugs, misbranded drugs, etc... with the "intent to defraud and mislead". (see attached) So any letters or kind words from customers like this will surely help me. The strangest thing is that they are targeting "Turinabol-LV" because "Turinabol" was a controlled substance at the time, so they are basically saying I was selling a controlled anabolic steroid, even though the product was a precursor to Turinabol. (halodrol clone)"

Guys...if you can take the time to put into words how Eric helped many of you in the past and even just to how PP as a whole made your lives better, it would be a great help to him. Simply send them to him at . It's a small gesture, but will go very far.

I have a copy of the indictment but I cannot ever upload pictures to this site for the life of me.

He also said he would come here and answer any questions you may have.