Hi Guys,

So I have a problem with recurring back injuries... have had a few minor tears in upper back muscle (rhomboids), had a nasty one beginning of the year, and also have lower back problems with certain exercises, whereby I get shooting pains after a flare up.

I manage the upper back/neck tension with a bit of maintenance sports massage once every six weeks or so, and haven't had a tare in a while, but the lower back can put me out of action.

Resultantly, my back workouts are typically Bent Over Barbell Row, One Arm Dumbbell Row, Straight arm pull down and seated rows. I have avoided deadlifts for around a year because I have previously instantly had problems in the lower back after them, and this worked well... but thought it was time to re-introduce them in the gym the other day as I have gotten considerably stronger and I started light (3 sets, 10 reps, 60kg) but low and behold I've been in discomfort for the last 5 days again, and it really affected my leg day on the gym today, particularly with leg press.

I assume this is some sort of imbalance? does anyone have any advice on how to get this fixed long term rather than just patched up? a few physio's haven't been able to help.

Would going super light on the deadlifts help with correcting maybe? I really don't get on with deadlifts, but I know how good a lift it can be.

Thanks for any input or advice guys!