Earlier this year I posted up some feedback after trying about a month of ostarine at 15 mg/day. I was stacking it with Andro-300, and results started out very promising. I was leaning down nice and maintaining good strength during a moderate calorie deficit, then the weird sides started. When I got to the fifth week, it was so bad I had to stop. I began having bouts of extreme dizziness/vertigo throughout the day, especially during the evening hours and then towards the very end, started having significant nausea. Initially I thought that I might have just had a bug or something, but within about 48 hours of my last dose of ostarine it all subsided and went away.

At the time I thought I might eventually give ostarine another try, but maybe lowering it down to just 5 mg/day, but I'm not sure that dose would even be worth it. I've done a lot of research and there does not seem to be much out there with these kind of side effects from ostarine. Most of the negative sides have been associated with andarine (S4), with those mostly being reports of tinted vision, night vision problems, and/or trouble visually adjusting to different lighting. Has anyone ever experienced any similar sides from ostarine as I had? Maybe I'm just sensitive to it. It is frustrating because, in theory and on paper, SARMS seem like a very good option to explore and I'd love to experiment some more with them especially with the limited things out there right now. I don't think I'd mess with S4 just due to the already known sides, but ostarine, and especially LGD-4033 have really caught my attention. I'd love to try LGD-4033 in the future with a calorie surplus to really see how it can help with mass gain. For now, I'd really like to give ostarine another shot maybe stacked with some Wicked Supps Epic Gainz I have on hand for a nice semi-natty stack between cycles but just don't want to go through the sides I had before.