Quote Originally Posted by silverstrand View Post
I'm guessing this is why all the literature I read for men supplimenting with DHEA are using dosages of 25 to 100 mgs per day. At these doses, do you see E2 as being an issue? What dosage range do you think E2 would become a problem on DHEA?
As with any hormone it depends on lot of different factors- DHEA(s) levels mostly, there are some folks with high DHEA(s) levels and for them any dose would be to high, on other hand those with low levels can take a lot without problems, and there are people with high DHEA,
even with people with "adrenal fatigue" some of them have low cortisol but high DHEA(s)
also depends if it is oral or transdermal DHEA as they have a bit different pathways and also lot of oral gets destroyed in liver, so roughly if one is taking transdermal needs 3X less than if taking oral,
IMO best option is to start with pregnenolone and then eventually add DHEA if it does not top up enough,
and probably easiest (and cheapest) option with pregnenolone is to monitor Progesterone levels, if progesterone levels becoming high than one can reduce pregnenolone dosage, and there should be no problems with E2 either.