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  1. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strong_Guy View Post
    I'm going to give IML's Super norAndro a shot for my next cycle. Will be going with 4 caps (200 mg) per day for a planned 6-8 weeks. There has not been a lot of feedback out there yet (any shared personal experiences with norDHEA would also be appreciated) but of all the DHEA derivatives it's the only one I have not tried. My go-to lately has been to combine an oral with a topical and it seems to work great for an all-inclusive way to keep hormone levels elevated throughout the day. For this stack I'm debating between Dermacrine and topical 4-andro. I've read where lethargy and libido loss are possible issues with norDHEA so I think either could have their merits. Epiandro would probably be another good option but the goals of this run will be to put on some mass through the winter months and I think Derm or 4 would be more fitting with that goal in mind. Suggestions?

    Also, there seems to be some conflicting info out there as to if excess estrogen will/will not result from norDHEA so I was also wondering if a low dose of something like arimistane would be good to include. I've never been to susceptible to estrogen sides but was just curious.
    From what I remember reading about norDHEA or 19norDHEA, it can raise prolactin levels which may be the reason for libido loss. Also, 4-DHEA has estrogenic conversion for the wet gains. I think these two in combination can be risky for GYNO. Plus, some of the androgenic effects from 4-DHEA comes from its conversion to norDHEA but then again, maybe you want to force more conversion of the 4-DHEA to its alternative hormones derivatives.
    I'm guessing a dopamine antagonist to combat prolactin like Caber or Mucuna Puriens for the natural route and Epiandro to combat the estrogen on the 4-DHEA or aromasin.
    Additionally, I think 10mg sublingual preferably Pregnenolone can combat any lethargy.

    I'm no pro at this dude - these are just some ideas that came to mind. But yeah, my concern would be the higher prolactin with higher estrogen causing GYNO. I'm sure some others here with more experience can chip in their 2 cents.
    Last edited by silverstrand; 09-28-2015 at 03:08 PM.

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