Quote Originally Posted by Atticas View Post
I LITERALLY just said I'm still going through with it; All I was asking for was some research/scientific reasoning behind what I'm doing, or I suppose you'd rather my response be to everyone "Oh, well some guy on the internet told me to". Practically the only reason i'm even CONSIDERING going through with this is because other people claim to have healed from your same protocol, certainly not because of any huge body of scientific detail you've proposed here.

So yea, forgive me for asking questions, forgive me for wanting to have a few more drinks with a friend before I go cold turkey the rest of the year, and forgive me for questioning whether I could possibly take a better quality supplement than one of the ones you suggested.

Tell me though, WTF part of thousands of dollars spent in trying to cure this over the last year and a half says "Not ready" to you? WTF does visiting 6 different doctors, even flying out to see one make you think I "don't really want this"? What part of the fact that I stated I already purchased goddamn near $300 worth of your supplement list says I won't go through with it? Or the fact that the juicer's already sitting in my kitchen? I'm not scared of your stupid paleo diet, I've BEEN borderline on it for 5 years, and I'm CERTAINLY not scared of any of the exercise you mention considering I've worked out religiously since I was 14. Frankly, you seriously don't know who the hell you're talking to.

Look, I already told you the due date for this starts in May after I get back from the beach with a friend, which BTW, is part of an 11 day vacation I took JUST to do this juice fast you all claim is so important but don't give me any real scientific detail behind. Regardless, it will happen. I will go through with it. You all go ahead and keep doubting me and giving me your stupid fucking high-horse, condescending responses and believe me, I will come out stronger than you ever goddamn imagined. I was a fucking fit, energetic beast before all this happened, and I will be again, with or without you all believing in me.

I'll update this thread after I start the fast or something, but don't expect a response from me for a while after this. I tried to come at this respectfully and kind, but the elitism horseshit in these forums is pissing me off. I'm not sucking anyone's egotistical, cyber dick to heal from this.
Mate, settle. Yes, it might appear people are being hard on you. But it is being done for your own good. These guys have been where you are and have got themselves out of it. They are the best to speak to on this issue. The reason they may seem to be hard on you is that they have had hundreds of other people come to them for advice only to ignore their advice completely, implements parts and not all of what they say, or give up after a short period. These people then say the protocol didn't work. You've got to see it would be a source of frustration for Cdnuts when this happens.

Also, Cdnuts doesn't need anything from you. But you are after advice from him. Generally, when someone needs something off another person, you shouldn't speak to the person like that even if you think you have been harshly treated.

In regards to scientific detail, you aren't going to get that from Cdnuts or probably anyone. No one knows what pfs is for sure and probably never will. You have to place your faith in his protocol and live it. I understand it will be hard, but life is hard and nothing comes easy. It's a matter of how much you want this.

In terms of other people and their advice, there will always be some people that say something is good and another set of people who say the same thing is bad. For all Cdnuts has said, there could be some expert who says it is not the right approach. This doesn't make the expert right (far from it, in fact). It just shows that you will never find a protocol like this which gains approval from everyone.