Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
IMO the best place to get magnesium and calcium that are properly paired and are more importantly, bio available is in the form of dark green juices or smoothies as an addition to your diet. Something to keep in mind. Get in a large green smoothie or juice daily and you will more than satisfy this need.

Another fantastic benefit to magnesium is that it increases testosterone by binding to SHBG. It directly increases your free testosterone levels. Among the hundreds of important things the mineral does in the body, this to me is one of the most exciting.
I have made a habit of doing a green type smoothie everyday before, just got out of it and stopped doing it. Will definitely add that back to the diet. I supplement Natural Calm magnesium twice daily so I will add Calcium to it just to see if it helps any as well. Can use all the Free T I can get at this point.

CD, I did have a question that I forgot to ask, given that I'm performing pretty well, should I stick to just doing intermittent fasting or do you believe a longer water fast thrown in from time to time will be better? Thanks in advance for the help guys, much appreciated! Hitting the gym for the day as we speak.