Hello everyone!

I have suffered with pfs for 8 years, since I was 19. My parents put me on it when I was 17 due to my hair was thinning. I am 27 years old today.

You might think 17 is early to have mpb? I was treated with hormones to stop my height, when I was 12-13. I am not sure if it was growth hormone or regular testosterone or some other hormone. I was extremley tall for my age and I could have been between 2.15-2.30 meters tall according to the doctors as a grown adult. So I was treated with hormones for a year.

Either way, it stopped my height at 2 meter so I am still pretty tall. I suffered no side effects from this treatment besides hair thinning when I was 17.

Before propecia my libido was extremely high, raging erections and I had a pretty big penis. Like others who suffers from pfs it seems that we all have unusually high libido before finasteride.

The propecia treatment lasted between age 17-19. At first I didn't feel much, the hair grew thicker and I was happy. Ít was mostly my parents however that was worried about hair thinning. The doctor who prescribed finasteride didn't tell us about permanent side effects, and that all side effects would subside after stopping treatment.

Anyway, when I was 18 I begun losing interest in girls and life in general and my dick appeared to be shrinking and I was feeling depressed.

I went to different doctors and no one thought it could be due to propecia. I trusted them and continued to take propecia for 6-7 months more and then quit cold turkey because of similar stories I had read online.

The last 1.5 years of taking propecia I h had sudden "stings" of incredible pain in the groin area that lasted a microsecond. That, low libido and bad erections caused me to quit. I wasn't eating very healthy during my high school years and didn't exercise much but lifted some weights and jogged from time to time.

At first when I quit I felt better, but then a month after quitting the pain in the groin area got worse and appeared more often, and a month after that I developed chronic prostatitis, the bullshit condition that no urologist knows much about or how to treat. They tell me to "live with it" and so on. I have suffered chronic prostatitis(non-stop pain) for 8 years.

To make a long story short I have suffered for 8 years since quitting, tried to study and work but I couldn't due to the pain in the pelvis/prostate. I was depressed and hoped I would recover naturally with lifting and keeping a good diet, which I failed to do mostly. I gained some muscle but overate(due to my situation/pain and life) but the prostate pain was/is killing and made me suicidal. I lived at my parents house for some years after trying different diets and treatments, seeing different doctors with no success.

I asked my doctor to check my hormones, about 2 years after I quit, and it came out:

P-SHBG 17 nmol/L Ref.omr 10-80

P-Tesosteron 7.3 nmol/L Ref.omr 8.0-30

P-Lutropin (LH) 5.1 IE/L Ref.omr 1.7-8.6

P-Progesteron 3.1 nmol/L Ref.omr 0.7-4.3

P-Testo/SHBG kvot 0.43 Ref.omr 0.3-1.1

I was pretty skinny when the test was done, now I am fat about 30 kg overweight. My natual testo went up to 11 some years after this test. I tried a PCT with HCG clomid and nolvadex that made me better during the PCT, but after it I returned to baseline.

So I was prescribed testogel from a "specalist endo" which I took but it didn't help much. It maybe helped my mood abit.

I was tested alot by this endo, who checked alot of values and hormones which I don't have access to now but I had low cortisol on some of the tests, and when I complained that I had developed "air hunger" and a need to gasp for air multiple times a day, he did a test which showed low cortisol, and then a month later another one which showed normal range so he didn't do anything about that.

I am not seeing him anymore becuase he only tests me year after year, and thinks the testogel "cured" me and that my other issues are not related/mental.

And btw I have not been put on sick leave yet, but I am close to now after all this time according to my doctor. But I my goal is to become healthy ofc, to be on sick leave for life is a stigma and not something I want. My parents are currently supporting me.

I ordered some HC after reading that "air hunger" was a classic low cortisol symptom. I took 10 mg and it was gone.
After this I found JQD on solvepfs/propeciahelp and ordered som HC of the internet, and took 10 mg a day which helped me alot with mood, completly cured air hunger and gave me some mental clarity.

I decided to go on his protocol and I am now injecting 75 mg-125mg testo e e5d and 10-20 mg of HC ed and 1 grain of NatureThroid ed, which I feel is helping a bit. I have done this for 6-7 months. I remember when I was treated to stop my height and the hormones made me go crazy horny and aggressive and so on. Now it's not like that after testo inject, so I am sure propecia messed with something.

I also have alot of anxiety nowadays both because of the illness but also due to my living situation and doctors who doesn't know anything, been sent around for years in state health care with no result.

Anyway, I know I sound like a bitch but this is how it's been. I was young when all of this started and my parents didn't know anything and the doctors didn't know anything and I didn't now anything about how to overcome this. I have tried a whole lot of supplements and the only thing that I feel is helping a little bit is creatine and trib. I also take cialis once a week to get blood flowing down there. I have tried to have sex over the years but it has always been shit and my libido is so low so I haven't cared much.

I also take benzos once in a while which helps with the prostate pain and the same with cannabis. Cannabis helps with the mood and pain but I do not like to take any drugs to often.

I lifted weights 3 times a week for years and it made me feel better mentally/built some muscle but the prostate pain got worse so I stopped.

I didn't mean for this to be a whine fest but this is how it's been. My english isn't great and combined with brain fog it can get a little messy.

Anyhow, I tried water fasting for a week and it helped with clarity and pain while fasting, but after it returned to baseline.

So my symptoms are:
low testo
low cortisol(got worse after some years off propecia)
Brain fog
prostate and penis pain.
White/see through pubic and arm pit hair(had this since 6 months after quitting)
low libido
suicidal thoughts

"Not feeling there/always feeling far away" I don't feel present at all anymore. Everything is far away.

My current protocol:
Testo E 75-125 mg e5d
HC 10-20 mg ed
Naturethroid 1 grain ed
Proviron 25 mg ed (been on for 2 weeks)
Creatine ED
Trib ED
Multi-vitamin ED

I have cleaned up my diet and is currently restrecting my calories and keeping carbs low. Not full paleo, but eating organic and clean food. When my pain is intolerable it's extremly difficult to control my diet. But maybe I just have do it? Any tips?

So my question to you all is, what should I do? Should I quit the testo train and cycle cdnuts herbs and do the fasts and training? And how can I limit my prostate pain?

Also I went on a juice fast for 3 days following Joe's fasting program, with "mean green" recipies and others, but my stomach went to shit so I had to stop. Any tips there?

What is CDnuts and other recoverers opinion on what to do next?