Hey guys,

First off I would like to thank the members here for being so helpful and creating such a positive environment for people with PFS. Tremendous amount of respect for the members here. It is particularly inspiring to see the members who have recovered from the disorder.

I'm very familiar with CDnuts protocol and have implemented the majority of it over the past few months. I'm lifting 3x a week and doing HIIT 2x a week. Also doing cardio a few times a week (hobby of mine) but I'm planning on stopping as it gets colder out as I know cardio isn't good for testosterone levels.

Currently have a gluten free, dairy free, sugar free diet and was found to have candida so I'm taking garlic supplements to get rid of that.

The reason I'm posting is because a few years ago I experimented with cannabis as a potential cure, and although it surprisingly worked, i eventually developed psychosis on it and I have residual psychotic symptoms. As a result I have to take a low dose of seroquel indefinitely. My shrink also put me on effexor. I know both of these are bad for testosterone levels so I guess my question is: do you guys think it is still possible to recover while being on these drugs? The effexor I could come off at any time but unfortunately i need to be one seroquel or another antipsychotic probably for life. Strangely i started getting morning erections every night after starting the effexor.

Also because of possible interactions I probably can't take herbs but read for guys tanning your chest increases testosterone by 50%, tanning your back doubles test levels, and tanning your balls TRIPLES test levels. So i'm planning on buying a sun lamp and doing this as an alternative. Hopefully this information is accurate.

I apologize for such a long post but felt it necessary to include all the details of my situation. Once again appreciate any advice anyone can give and thanks for being so generous with your time and knowledge.