CD is right, your cortisol is going through the roof with the heavy weights, maybe lay off them until you get a solid herb rotation and you're taking the bramhi. This used to happen to me also particularly early on but after laying off the weights for nearly two weeks whilst I did the fast I've just felt brilliant in the gym. It's difficult for me to parse which elements of the protocol are most effective for lowering coritsol as I jumped on the whole thing at once but I would seriously recommend working out early in the day, getting the magnesium and glycine if you haven't already and following a healthy sleep schedule.
Mine is about 9.30 (early I know) I run my bath, take my magnesium (400mg) and about 6g of glycine. Stay in there for about 25 minutes (I did the goddamn Wim Hof in the bath last night CD, right before switching on the shower..... man, I nearly passed out but it was worth it!) keeping the water hot and listening to something relaxing like a podcast. Then I let the water out and switch on the freezing cold shower and stay under that for a three or four minutes. After I get out I just focus on keeping my mind quite and being present in my actions so as not to let it wander too much, which is easy after the cold shower it really is. Also important is to lay off your phone and any screen as they can make your mind race and disrupt the bodies natural production of melatonin.

I know this doesn't really help you as you're constantly waking up but living right and keeping to a healthy plan is all we have. The past few days I've felt awful and yesterday before I got in my bath I had another awful pain in my testicles, I looked at it and I could literally see varicous veins appearing and the blood going through them to my heart beat. All kind of thoughts were racing through my mind but I did this, calmed myself and stopped thinking about it and today I feel better and was getting constant nocturnal wood last night. What I think was happening looking back at it was the circulation was probably returning too my genitals after a few days of a down turn and having very little blood flow and thats what was causing the pain, but I'm no doctor.

Anyway, the tingly sensation that I talked about could probably be described that way, when it happens my vision is usually quite blurry and sometimes my pupils are more dilated than they should be. It really does feel like the afterglow of MDMA if you've ever experienced that but in a bad way as it's in combination with my other symptoms.and I usually get it after a bad night of disrupted sleep. I lived with this sensation for about 3 weeks during my initial crash. Now it happens periodically as I'm slowly on the mend.

Hope this helps man.

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