Anyone recover from the physical sides? I have a totally different body now than before this..I was almost past getting off the couch in Feb but seen a neuro hormone specialist in LA and was put on a round of supplements and clomid..Big turn around after 3 months now my mind is pre finasteride..Mental sides are totally gone.However physical is getting worse and bigger..Its like water filled baby fat all over upper body..Chest, bicep area, stomach, waist etc...Totally alien like but I have great energy and mental clarity now..I am able to work outside now and do chores etc than I couldn't before..Had extensive testing and everything was low, Test, free test, estrogen, dhes, pregnenlone..HGH was virtually nothing I think that is a big factor in the physical sides growth hormone is way low....It also seems less common than the mental and sexual sides but it is an awful condition..I weighed 165 for 15 years now 220..Gained 60lbs and its just like water or fluid all over you are lugging around..Its very tiresome just dead weight...I am on dhea, pregnenolone, tribulus, cognitive aminos,clomid 50mg, vit d, secretropin to increase growth hormone..I have had a big turn around and improvement but the physical body is just mush...My total test was 380, free test was 7.9, estrogen was 16 and growth hormone was low..I go back in June for next labs...