Hey guys,

I dosed R-Andro for the first time today (300mg). It had some really fun effects: 1) a fuzzy warmth in my muscles, stomach, and genitals, 2) I had about 15 erections today, 3) I felt really chill and relaxed for the first half of the day.

However, I don't think my body is ready for this stuff yet. I had a kind of mid-day energy crash where I just could NOT get off the couch. Then, later in the day, I felt simultaneously over-stimulated and tired in a kind of uncomfortable sleepless way - it basically felt like my body couldn't keep up with my hormones (which makes a certain amount of sense, seeing as all these tissues have been DHT-starved for a long time). I also had bad/weird-feeling digestion all day. I think I could probably down-dose a little and get good results, but I'd rather stick with the herbs (which work ridiculously well for me) until I'm ready to go full throttle.

I will say this: when I dose the herbs, there's often a period of about 15 minutes before they kick in where I feel terrible (tired-and-wired, nausea, upset stomach), and then boom, pure testosterone ecstasy. The feeling I had with the prohormone today was just an amped-up version of this feeling. I think it's possible that if I kept this dose up for a few more days, I'd get to the good stuff, but the whole thing just freaks me out at this point in the game.

Comments/suggestions from the prohormonally experienced are welcomed.