I remember reading that when dis-ease happens typically our weakest system gets hit the hardest.

I made friends with a pfser who basically got 90% with hydrocortisone + remeron. he was able to ditch the hydrocortisone after just a month and remeron gave him sleep.
he was bed ridden for months.

my cortisol was sky high first time I tested and I've been using rhodiola, ashwagandha, eleuthro, amla berry and cutting out stims and I do get a lot less panic attacks and my energy is better so hopefully this is an upward trend.

a guy who fully recovered tackled the problem as an adrenal problem on PH named Mitch and fully recovered.

I'm not sure what it is all full recoveries have their own theory might be a blend. Chi = Gut. Cdnuts = neurological. mitch = adrenal random foreign dude on solvepfs = liver.

It's probably a little mix of everything and the weakest point of our bodies is what gets hit the hardest. Personally to me it feels mostly neurological as cdnuts said which causes the cascade to all else and it's also probably why it's so hard for medical doctors to cure cause the brain is complex.

the good news is it's just a small part of the brain that might have been damaged so neuroplasticity should be able to take care of it with help of the protocol. the bad news is it's your manhood so when it's at it's worst it sucks hell.