Quote Originally Posted by bizzbee View Post
The improvements I've had sexually were made months ago and include thickening of semen, increase in semen volume, erection strength increase, sensitivity issues gone, testicular atrophy gone, size of phallus returns to normal, etc... Libido is actually a bit down while on this cycle. Also, in case I didn't mention it before. I don't have that morning exhaustion anymore when getting out of bed. I have a bit more spunk in my step in the mornings. When diet, exercise, and sleep are on point I started to see striations in the musculature that I haven't seen prior to taking this poisonous filth Propecia. I recommend a little caffeine with the cycle to drive up metabolism.
About the sexual improvements you are talking about, they all came from diet, herbs, sleep and excercise or there was a particular thing that helped the most in your case?