Quote Originally Posted by Sperwer View Post
Thanks Burly. I guess that means that, in legal terms, the corp itself will be liquidated and all its assets, not just inventory, sold for the benefit of creditors. I suppose some of the IP could be licensed, but that would entail creating some sort of rump entity to administer the license(s) and additional continuing costs, which I suppose the creditors would rather avoid in favor of a lump sum pay-out. Of course, that all assumes that the corp owns the IP, rather than Eric himself.

Anyway, I'm curious because: (1) I like the products; (2) some of them especially, since they likely wouldn't attract unwanted scrutiny; (3) I have a connection with a first-rate contract pharma mfgr here with a fully compliant FDA/GMP facility; (4) making and warehousing product here effectively puts all but individual shipments out of the reach of the over-reaching USFDA; (5) mfgr costs here are low; (6) I've got some capital ... etc ...

you see where I'm going with this...
I think I just fell in love with you