Hello all, I'll do an introduction in the intro section eventually. However to sum things up i'm a PFS sufferer for 5 years. Took propecia 6 months and saw another 6 (thinking it was "safer"). I've had alot of the symptoms including the Gyno, cold hands and feet. Up and down sexual issues. Depression and Anxiety. For years i didnt know what was causing this. I thought it was just depression and anxiety, but i didn't realize it was PFS. 5 Months ago i started CD's protocol. I also lift 5 times a week and i intermittent fast.

2 weeks ago i started noticing little changes in all the areas 5ar2 effects. I could feel small surges of androgens in my hips, chest, pretty much everywhere PFS effects. (This also seems to happen when i flex my muscles - Its weird lol) I've also started to lose some of the annoying water weight. Its been slow and painful however. Does this mean i've activated my 5ar2? Does this mean i'm getting closer to recovery? Also this week i got two very brief periods of full recovery. Like legit raging libido for 10 minutes. Happened twice and then quickly went away.

One annoying symptom i still have. I can feel some of my free test covering to estrogen through my nipples at times. I know this means I'm not 100% yet, but this has improved a bit as well. When i get the surge of androgens everything feels alot better. but then goes back, but it kind of creates a better baseline.

Was wondering if all this means I'm starting to recover? Such a long and frustrating process. Its tough to get into a relationship with someone knowing your not 100%, its the unknown and its frustrating but i'm trying to stay positive.