Yeah altho when you talk of ‘supression over a range of time’ in my case that was 21 days saw palmetto and 2 weeks fenugreek in the form of a herbal test booster (usn anabol testo sold on amazon) The latter finished me off and ironically i took the test booster thinking it would give me a boost after very very mild side effects from saw palmetto. Afterwards i was shocked to discover i had taken another anti-androgen.!!

I trawled through the reviews on amazon and not one review, not one bastard review (out of 417 reviews) spoke off the horrendous symptoms i had. I swear it was like winning the fuking lottery. You couldn’t even right this shit....and yet hundreds upon hundreds of men take this test booster. Men even use it for there pct after a steroid cycle. That was it, 3 years devastated. Thank god I found this website!