hmm, funny you talk of flu-like symptons, they were very apparent when I was on saw palmetto, but thinking about it, I think it was more of an allergic reaction I was having to the herb, rather than a crash. I remember my throat being tight with a sniffly nose. I had aches in my nuts and brain fog but never crashed after sp.

This product guys use and rave about hcgenerate contains stinging nettle and fenugreek extract (DHT blockers). Now the reviews I read about this are fantastic. Its sported as the best herbal test boosting blend on the planet. Ive even trawled through all the reviews left on amazon for it and even the 1 star reviews, nobody mentions anything horrific, i.e hormonal crashes. This is well over 200 reviews. Yet I seemingly crash after fenugreek for 10 days, the whole things quite fucking bizarre tbh. I still wonder if im just suppressed after the massive spike in estrogen I had from the fenugreek which was very apparent. Im on the regiment regardless but I do wonder...