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  1. #11
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Sep 2019
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    My symptoms are sexual (ED, no libido, no sensation) and insomnia. Sometimes my balls hurt. I have no or very little mental symptoms. Of course I am very depressed, but I think that's more because I lost my sexual life (used to love that), my job (can't work if I fall asleep), my social life (no alcohol, no fast food, no gluten) and life feels already over in my 20s.

    I can tell you what I have done the past 4 months and then maybe you can figure out what is the problem.

    Before I started I got tooth paste, shampoo, soap, laundry detergent, deodorant, hand cream from a shop in my city which sells itself as "all natural". I checked the ingrediants and there are no of the listed toxicants listed on TMO contained inside. Also they have no artificial flavours which I thought was a good sign.

    First 15 days juice feast. Only liquid juice out of fruits and greens (mainly spinach). This was brutal because after every drink I thought I had to puke (I asked for help there if you remember). But I did it and never puked when drinking slowly.

    Then I jumped immediately on the paleo diet (didn't know from TMO that you have to start slowly). I ate a lot of peppers, aubergines, zucchinis, meat, fish (salmon), tomatoes, dry figs, walnuts, lettuce, eggs, beans (appearently this is bad, so I stopped now with beans). I cooked everything with butter or olive oil. Every once a while a drank some milk. All organic.

    After the juice feast I immediately started lifting weights (I did that in the past already, I asked you if it is ok) 4 times a week (doing the letters A,B,C,D on TMO). Since then I did not skip one training. After 4 weeks I started lifting heavy and I started backloading. I started eating glutenfree pizza, pasta, sushi (took it with glutenfree soy sauce. Had no idea that soy was bad! Stopped soy by now), thai food and I went to restaurants again.

    I haven't had a sip of alcohol since starting the juice feast/protocol. Nor did I take any pharma when I was feeling sick.

    After lifting weights I take a glutenfree (they sell it as all natural) proteil shake (half a hour after, should prolong it to one hour after now).

    At least once a week I do HIIT sprints (at beginning 3 sprints, could not more. Now 5 sprints, then my knee starts to hurt. I had a surgery there). As soon I feel pain I stop which is most of the time after 5 sprints. I count an ice hockey match or practice as one HIIT training. This is why I sometimes only do HIIT once per week.

    After every workout (and everyday when I have a rest day) I take a cold shower. First warm, when I wash my hair with shampoo (because of the headache I get when my head gets cold water for too long. I think it is the same effect with eating very cold ice cream too fast.). Then all the way to cold. Also my head will be under the cold water, just for shorter periods.

    Every second day, I brush my skin with a brush under the cold shower.

    The first 3 months I only had sex with my gf, never masturbated, never porn. The last month I got a bit more careless in heavy downswings.

    After 1.5 months I started taking the daily supplements (vitD, Magnesium, one day spirulina, the other day chlorella). After 2.5 months (or so, don't remember the exact time) I got 13 herbs to cycle. Every day I take exactly one herb (some people take pine pollen daily which to me contradicts the principle of cycling stated on TMO).

    When its shiny outside I get some sunlight. I never got sunlight on my balls because I life in the city and people would definitely see that (how do you guys do that?).

    The only thing I was a bit careless about was meditation and breathing. I am sure you will say that's the problem. I do it every once in a while but definitely not daily. I downloaded holosync and started doing half a hour of listening to it. I just can not focus and its uncomfortable and boring. I do it twice or once a week when I feel stressed out. Maybe can I reduce it to 15 minutes per day? Or is 30 minutes necessary?

    So I would say I follow the protocol (yes, meditation I can improve on) very closely. The amount of time and energy it takes me are huge and the benefits (so far only a bit of muscles maybe) are slim/nonexistant. Maybe you like working out and being healthy, but I don't! I want to be lazy again, read, study, make music, eat shitty food like mcdonalds, eat baguettes, get drunk with friends. I like sports like tennis and ice hockey, but I do not enjoy working out. I can live with not being alpha.

    I do this all just to recover and as I said, I am willing to do anything to get there. Would be nice to get more guidance since so far I don't feel like I got much help out of this forum and of you experienced guys. And my trust is weak in everybody after asking 3 doctors about finasteride and they all tell me it is very good. Additionally, as you know everybody (even on hackstasis) debate your protocol. All I am trying to say is that it is just hard to know what is the truth in this situation.

    Have a good day! If this post was offensive to anybody of you, I am sorry, it was not my intention.
    Last edited by LetsRecover; 02-29-2020 at 08:52 AM.

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