Hey everyone, was just looking for some advice on dealing with the pressure of being a 20 year old college student and not drinking. All of my friends drink and I barely see any of them anymore because anytime my friends hangout everyone’s drinking so I’ve kind of just avoided these situations. Been around them a couple times now and been the only one not drinking which was fine. My friends coming to visit this weekend to my beach house I’m living at in the summer and has already talked about drinking and wanting me to go out and use my fake with him. Honestly, I just don’t know what to say as an excuse as to why I don’t drink anymore. It’s not like I can just say I have terrible sexual sides from this drug I was on and now I’m trying to heal so I don’t drink. I literally drank and smoked the past 4 years and especially a lot in college, now I don’t do either. I wanna see my friend and have a fun time, I miss hanging out with the boys and cracking a couple beers. Just don’t have a solid explanation as to why I don’t drink anymore and it stresses me out dealing with situations where my friends wanna hangout or come up to the beach and get hammered. I know this isn’t a big deal, I just don’t know how to tell my friends I quit drinking for a long time. And telling them it’s cuz my dick don’t work right anymore isn’t an option.

Sorry for the rant y’all. Never thought I’d be worrying about hanging out with friends and drinking. Already have multiple invites to beach weeks with all
My buddies from school and home where we all would get hammered and have a great time at the beach. Makes me sad I miss out on these things and I’ve done a great job not drinking the past few months, just feel like I’m about to fuck it up. I guess it’s not such a bad thing to have to worry about. But if anyone has advice on what to say to my friends I’d appreciate it. Thanks, hope everyone is making progress on their journey to 100%