Hello Mr.CD ! I dont know if Im writing in the correct place but I still want to briefly tell my story. I took 3 pills, got hit with wild sides which quickly subsided but I dont feel like In fully recovered. I have a slightly diminished libido erections etc. will start protocol soon and Im 100% sure that it will make me even stronger and better than pre pfs.My fear and depression went away as soon as I found this website and this wholesome amazing community ! However all the time during my sick days I never paid attention to my face. Im scared I have bone loss. Im pretty sure that your protocol will help me cure this curse and I know can proudly say that I know the science why and how. But the info on bone loss is not that much. I feel like my chin is a little pointy, my face is thinner and ill looking and jawline is not as sharp and defined. I know about water retention, estrogen etc but is that all? Could my chin have receeded in 2 months? Is it reversible even if it was legit bone loss? Im sorry If I sound scared or anything but I am a little. However Im sure that a minor explanation could rid me of this unwanted anxiety which will only hinder my progress and motivation !