Quote Originally Posted by Mojo View Post
Last update for a while.

I’ve been feeling better recently. Probably attributed to a number of things.

I’m nearing the end of my UH cycle. Although throughout the entire thing I have not noticed any immediately obvious results my overal stress levels have gone down slowly. I tend to not have as many nightmares or night time awakenings due to heart palpitations.

I went to see an endocrinologist that tested my neurotransmitter metabolites in night time urine. My dopamine was slightly high, neroephinephrine too high and serotonin to low. He told me to take Saffron supplementation to raise serotonin. I started to combo this with 5htp at night. During the day I also tried supplementing with xiao yao san, a chinese herb that boosts allopregnanolone biosynthesis according to some sparse research.

On top of this I have doubled down on working on my mental health. I got out of the PFS mindset as much as I could and started treating my remaining symptoms as PTSD.

Meditation wise I have discovered a method that works really well for me personally to release bodily tension. When I close my eyes during breathing exercises I imagine my body to weigh a ton and I try to mentally press myself down into the couch. If I then target that feeling towards my heart more often than not I can feel the tension release and it feels as if a weight has been lifted of my chest. I know this is a vague explanation but it works for me.

Overal I’m doing ok. Not there yet but getting close. I’m going to take a leave from posting for a bit to hopefully fully escape this nightmare feeling that has been following me around for over a year now. There are times I feel like I’m really close to make a sort of recovery post. But my sleep is still too inconsistent and anxiety sometimes gets the best of me.

I’ll be back in the future, hopefully with good news. Take care and continue fighting!
The recovery will comes when it comes. And when it does, please come back and make your recovery known to the world. Until then, enjoy your spring time my man.