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    Getting worse after years

    Guys I have had PFS for many years. After the initial crash I had all the major sides but after two years insomnia and fatigue healed, and the inital shrinkage had long gone.

    For many years I coasted along with "livable" PFS - still had muscle loss and bad ED/libido loss, a bit of tolerable brain fog and apathy/anehdonia.

    First tried cdnuts protocol 2014, did a week's water fast and added t boosters but backed off when they started interrupting my sleep and giving me fatigue during the day. Did juice feasts in 2017/18.

    in 2019, after years of solid 8 hours sleep without anything, I had stress at work (my PFS became known about). Like the bolied frog I thought I was fine, but started needing to supplement at night to sleep. Eventually I suffered a burnout and rampant insomnia returned. This lasted a year or so before I resolved the situation, just before lockdown.

    First lockdown in spring 2020, I was able to cure my sleep issues thanks to this site and reading about both 4-7-8 sleeping method and then magnesium glycinate which I took in ZMA form. This gave me solid 7-8 hours sleep again. In addition, I started doing HIIT sessions 3 times a week and felt fitter than I had in years even before PFS, and that's with muscle wastage. However, the gyms were closed so I couldn't take it further.

    February 2021, something happened, I don't know what, but I remember waking up after four hours one night and couldn't get hard. My dick had shrunk and resembled the way it did after the first crash of Pfs - weird, darker skin colour, same skin shade on scrotum and shrinkage of junk all round. The ZMA had stopped working and since then I have struggled to get 7 hours sleep, that's with green tea decaf and an ibuprofen at best, and any time I masturbate it sets me back. I also started getting tinnitus and increase in cognitive issues like name recalling.

    I don't even have an urge to fap even watchin porn now. For years although I had poor sexual functioning I could do this a lot and not suffer. I don't know if the isolation and stress of that winter lockdown scarewed me, even just by stressing my system spending too much time on screen late at night, zma stopping working and the effect of not cycling that plus adding zinc during the day.

    Basically I think my problems started with stress in 2019, and worried that it has affected my androgen response. At first it seemed like a cortisol issue, now that seems to be ok but my main issue is a much weaker androgen response. I used to be able to cum a few times a week or more and shoot a lot, I could take stuff like vit d, zinc and magnesium and it would boost me, as would the usual t boosting foods. Now these all have a mixed or even sometimes negative response.

    Has anyone fell back into a hole after years and seen the protocol drag them out?
    Last edited by road to recover; 04-09-2022 at 05:44 AM.

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