Quote Originally Posted by lastnoirking87 View Post
Yeah, I actually still have my ultrahard bottles I bought at the beginning of everything. They expire in November I think, but I've rely just not felt the need at all for anything other than the bare bones protocol on tmo.com.I seem to be a hyper responder to herbs🌿 ive had consistently stronger and stronger upswings, and improvement after every one for the last 1.5 years, so I figure, why mess with a good thing?
my decision to incorporate creatine was just a desire to have some fun with body comp.
Having said all that, I still haven't entirely ruled out PHs. I do want to get my estrogen checked before I do them however, and at this point I really must recover my baseline health from before the creatine debacle before I consider doing ANYTHING out of my ordinary. Secondly, I think I need a better understanding of how we are supposed to modulate use of ultrahard and alpha four if needed. I need a clearer picture of what symptoms necessitate use of one or the other, and I honestly haven't gotten a clear understanding of that in all of my reading on here 🤷‍♂️
Please keep us posted on how your PH run goes. I know it seems like Noone uses the forum, but when I go to specific user profiles I notice people are indeed "active," i.e., likely just lurking around like I do for months sometimes.
Oh I'll definitely be posting more often now. Going to be starting a legal job in Autumn (my first real job), so I'm thinking with that I'm going to go back onto the full protocol, and try to optimise in all walks of life: health, career, relationships etc.

Really feel that I can use this as the starting point to doing some great things in the future, and for that I need to be in the very best shape possible, physically and mentally.