Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
If by “mild case” you mean I didn’t spend all day on forums doom posting, then sure my friend. I indeed will tell you I was far from mild in reality. Mild doesn’t indicate total mental symptoms, eye floaters, twisted “zombie” genitals, gut failure, inability to see straight without blurred vision…. I just didn’t feel the need to post doom on my propecia help topic all day. Imagine that, not being fucking negative all day - something you might be able to find useful.

Does this not get old, man? I’ve done nothing but show you support over the years yet all you do is sit in your little flat and flame me personally, and ruin everything for people who need it. I’m out loving my life again, and you could be too one day, instead of typing a bunch of garbage on an Internet forum while you waste the one life you have away.

You post about your mom a lot on here - do something for yourself, for her sake, and quit being a dramatic, selfish shithead.. I’m sure she’s far more let down by you being an absolute cancer to society and hurting others trying to recover because you’re too fucking lazy and too immature to even try.

And quit posting garbage about HCG curing you, you don’t know that and it hasn’t been the case for most. Leave that shit in the past and move on man. You’re embarrassing yourself.
There ain't no traffic on the extra mile bitch

No slacking, no excuses

There's no easy way out of it

There no shite cut home