Severe crash 2009
Lost muscle no kibido bad ed
I even went to a doctor in Belgium
Then the psych ward
Two years inside
2011 get out
2012 slowly prove
2013 libido returns
2013 to 17 enjoy tons of gigs and wanks
2017 start that volunteer shite
Late 2017 propecia help revamped
They find out about pfs
2018 ok try another fucking juice feast
Late 2018 stress arts take seroquel
2019 stress hits as bullying intensified
Complaint covers everything up
2020 feel great first few months on zma gkycinate
Should have gone to urology
No WhatsApp groups all this time to compare
Went o Gdansk with so called mate made digs about eunuchs and testosterone
Fucking wee cunt nearly went home by myself took seroquel twice
Noticed poorer eecriism
2021 felt ok but lockdown and crash in February
Takencavvine stupid move