Quote Originally Posted by Fat Bill Dwyer View Post
That cycle looks very managable suppression-wise. The numbers are very conservative and in the long run it will probably spare you from a lot of issues if you continue to cycle like that.

That being said:
Given your size I would consider upping the dosage on just about everything. lmg is just barely noticable @ 75mg, I have the same opinion of epi @ 30mg. The test is being run as a base right? If you're committed to keeping your test-e low then you should consider upping the epi and lmg by at least a cap or two a day.

So something like:

LMG 75/100
EPI 40/30
Test-e 200/200

Honestly though you would probably get the best results by just upping the test-e to 500.
Thank your for the feedback Bill! I will probably increase the lmg and epi by 1 cap per day to see how my body reacts. I have always considered myself a "responder". All I ever needed was a small handful of whatever supplement I am taking to get good results.

How do you all feel about running some type of liver support (milk thistle) through this cycle? A few years back I ran Epi for 8 weeks and took milk thistle everyday with it. I didn't notice much change in strength or body composition and was thinking maybe the thistle inhibited my body from utilizing all of the Epi. Thoughts?

I plan on running Molecular Nutrition's BP and Lipid Stabil through the 10 weeks.