Quote Originally Posted by Freepressright View Post
I ate lunch at 12:30, took the Hemavol at a little past 3 p.m. So yeah, basically an empty stomach.

As for the effects? Well, I did P90x chest and back, and let's just say that I was so inflated that it almost hampered range of motion on dive bombers and a couple other exercises.

This stuff works. Chest pumps were sick. Secondary bicep pumps were damn good. Even my upper back inflated.

I'm about 25 minutes post workout and still pumped. My cheeks are warm and I have a flushed feeling, almost like I took niacin. My head also has the nitric oxide kind of feeling (pressure).

I'm sold. This is a great product.

I mixed it in 20 ounces of water and added some sugar-free Kool Aid liquid water enhancer (tropical punch flavor) to go along with the lemon drop. It was so delicious it was like a Life Savers candy.

I'm happy.

Now all I need is more Tropinol XP and Intimidate

Say, I wonder if your Lights Out product will help keep the prolactin and related sides at bay. That's food for thought.

Thanks again, Vaughn. I will continue to provide updates on my Hemavol experience.
bingo bango bongo.

This is why I try to tell people Hemavol is so much more than just Agmatine + Citrulline...now that you've had the best, you'll never go back !

appreciate the reviews for me man