Quote Originally Posted by weekend View Post
bro, you should not take tren. you're talking like an idiot. you do not want a drug to take over you. run a simpler stack like test and mast or test and eq, test and NPP even... and put more stock in your diet and training. JM1000 is clearly more level headed and he got scared away. its a trainwreck waiting to happen. the only reason youre getting encouragement is because people want to see the funny shit that will happen because of it.

but it won't be funny when youre thinking of suicide, coughing, and you cant sleep and you get fucking pissed at the sound of your phone ringing.

thats what im imagining anyways.... just my opinion. you are not ready for tren and never will be. do not do it.

that said i've never run tren so i don't know shit.

But you will run it too right? ...........eh, i dont think is that bad, hopefully it will be a smooth ride, i could not decline, i really want to try it. The worst thing that could happen is that i cant handle it and since its ace ester i will stop and problem solved. I need to try it!!!!!! it is a must