Quote Originally Posted by pman42 View Post
as we get sicker and sicker as a species, we will need to selectively alter our genome to ensure continued survival. i see truly the worst examples of "natural" selection walking around, and too often these are the people who breed the most and will pass onto the next generation all the damage they have done to their bodies.

end of rant. i'll go back to lining my walls with tinfoil now
The only reason we are getting sicker and sicker as a species is, for the most part, from shitty lifestyle choices and nothing else. You put shit food and toxic chemicals into your machine, your gonna get a shitty running machine, bottom line. People continually and habitually input bad information into their systems in the form of processed food and chemicals. What people don't realize is that our bodies actually "read" the information from the food we eat. Right down to the cellular level. When you eat whole, fresh, natural foods, our bodies take that genetic information and incorporate it into our cells for processing. The result is a healthy system that "does what it's told." When you continually eat frankenfood stuffs where the "code" is produced by man, the body, again, is just doing what it's told. The result is sickness, disease and chronic conditions. This is what makes GMO's so dangerous. They have no idea what playing with this code is going to do to the whole line of genetic material. Altering one set of genes inexplicably changes another. Everything is connected. Nothing in nature works in a vacuum. So they might make corn that doesn't fold under a toxic onslaught of pesticides, but they have no idea what is waiting on the other end of that change. It's all give and take. This is what they want us to believe is safe. They have absolutely no clue whether it's safe or not.

We are no where near advanced enough to think we can mess with nature in that way. There's way too many genes and way too many connections. This experiment is going to be a huge shit show. A disaster waiting to happen.