I think you should be ok with 2 pumps of dermacrine, then you can adjust after- its unlikely that you will have to reduce dosage. Also IMO it would be better to split dermacrine, and do 2X one pump.
As for formasurge- I canot comment on it, personally I'm bit sceptical when it commes to OTC supplements, especially AI's as very often they have "dark secrets".
As for E2, it is very important hormone- and it needs to be close to optimum range (which is 25 pg/ml +/- 10) more or less than that there will be side effect. In your particular case you need to be extra careful about going too low- as E2 is very important for bone health, and when its too low it weakens all bones- and we cant even notice that till bones start breaking. Its advisable to add vit D when using AI, but to what degree it will help with bones I dont know, but it does reduce pain in joints.
Good way to gauge E2 levels is to monitor REM sleep erections, what we call "woodmeter". If E2 is in "sweet spot" man will not just have strong erections during sleep (and sex) but will wake up with serious bonner. If its bit off than when one wakes up- bonner will be weak but it will be very easy to get it up, if its more off it will be harder and more harder as it is more off.
When person with high/er E2 starts for with AI he should do so till morning wood appears- and then stop, wait for couple of days and then start will smaller dose of AI- and experiment like this till he finds right dosage.

With possible progesterone is bit harder, because AFAIK there is only one prescribed med that lowers progesterone (it goes by some name like RU-something), so its good to keep an eye on it- pregnenolone converts to progesterone a lot. Progesterone is good when it close to upper limit but when goes to high it has sedating effect, which affects limits. Folks on TRT sometimes keep prog 2X or 3X over limit but those folks tend to keep test and DHT in upper levels as well.

I'm not sure if I gave answer that you were looking for, feel free to ask whatever interests you- in this small community we all try to help each other, and to learn from each other, also your experience will be valuable to us, so keep posting.