Quote Originally Posted by weekend View Post
I personally was thinking of running dragon torem along with 25 mg pharma clomid... I want that pharma insurance in there but don't want to be on anymore than 50 clomid because it turns me into an emotional bastard.

PCT might look like:
Dragon torem: 120/90/60/60/60/30
Pharma clomid: 25/25/25/25/0
Aromasin: 12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5/6.25/6.25/6.25/6.25
I'd do 12.5 mg Clomid if you're gonna be front loading torem. If u think you have bunk torem, then bump up dose. I can tell you. 12.5mg Clomid definetly does something.