Video's from my last meet:
Squat 1 640# (no good)
Dukes Iron Zoo/Lexen Meet Tim Squat 1 10-13-12 - YouTube

Squat 2 640#
Dukes Iron Zoo/Lexen Meet 10-13-12 Tim Squat 2 - YouTube

Bench 1 Opener 435#
Dukes Iron Zoo/Lexen Meet 10-13-12 Tim Bench 1 - YouTube

bench 2 460# (pr)
Dukes Iron Zoo/Lexen Meet 10-13-12 Tim Bench 2 - YouTube

Bench 3 470# (pr)
Dukes Iron Zoo/Lexen Meet 10-13-12 Tim Bench 3 - YouTube

Deadlift 3 540#
Dukes Iron Zoo/Lexen Meet 10-13-12 Tim Deadlift 3 - YouTube

I had a real bad start to the day, I had a head cold with a lot of head congestion, and during my first squat attempt I actually poped my left ear drum. What thought was just fluid backing up from my nose was actualy blood filling my ear. At the end of the first vid you can see me grab my head after the lift. No excuses though I should have done better on the squat, and I was just exhausted by the deadlift. Oh well, on to the next one.