Quote Originally Posted by ryhigh View Post
Thanks for the info. My investment is rather small and the rest is from close family friends who have way more experience and knowledge in fields you listed. I would have relatively low risk, my biggest investment would be me, my time, having to go there to get the business started and running properly. I was just curious about the experiences of moving to a new country ie. culture shock, and adjusting to a completely new environment and all that that would entail.

How was it for you to move to a new country?
Not sure of the best way to say this, so I'm just going to say it. If you move to a very foreign country, particularly countries of the third world type, you're going to have a mark on your back. You're going to be a target. EVERYONE wants to get one over on the gringo, should you be going to Costa Rico that is. This isn't just reflective of street level thugs either. It's like this all the way up the chain, from blue collar to white collar. Just be careful