

17a-methyl-1-testosterone, or 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-1-androsten-3-one, or 17a-methyl-5a-androst-1-ene-3-one-17b-ol

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:

910-1600:100-220 vs. methyl test by oral administration. [1][2]


Methyl-1-testosterone, 17aa-M1T, M1T, Methyl Dread, M-One-T, 17a-methyl-dihydroboldenone


It was originally synthesized as early as 1962 at Searle Laboratories though, like most compounds researched in the 1960s, never made it as far as human testing. Although it was extremely anabolic, it also possessed fairly strong androgenic qualities and was consigned to the annals of history, until it was unearthed decades later to take the bodybuilding supplement industry by storm.

M1T was the culmination of an arms race in the industry during the late 90s and early 2000s that started when Patrick Arnold released the prohormone to testosterone 4-androstenedione. He then followed it up with the hugely popular 1-androstenediol, a 1-testosterone precursor. Other firms took this one step further by producing the already-active 1-testosterone, and finally Legal Gear (now LG Sciences) upped the ante by bringing to market Methyl 1-Testosterone (M1T), which unlike the previous compounds was an entirely synthetic (non-naturally occurring) fully active oral steroid. [3]

The popularity of this and other synthetic hormones (along with a couple of sports doping scandals) attracted a lot of unwanted attention to the industry, resulting in the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 which saw M1T, 1-AD, 4-AD, and every prohormone and steroid the US govt. could think of added to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act, making them illegal to sell or possess, [4] though no legislative action has been taken against it in the UK at the time of writing.

Structure and Function:

This is a 17a-methylated compound, making it highly orally available. It lacks the delta-4 double bond of testosterone, having a 1,2 double bond instead. This means that it will not aromatise, and it will not 5a-reduce in androgen-sensitive tissues like testosterone can (since it's 5a-reduced already). Metabolism is limited, to a large extent, to reduction of the double bond and hydroxylation of the 3-ketone. [5]


Fig 1. Metabolism of 1-androstenes [6] (image simplified for illustrative purposes).


Users can expect significant and rapid weight gain accompanied by extreme gains in strength. This is not a compound to be underestimated and would be well-suited to those looking for immediate results. Some of the weight gained will be in the form of fluid retention that will be lost upon cessation, though long-lasting physique improvements can be made by taking full advantage of the short highly anabolic window of the cycle.

Side Effects:

Many have assumed that M1T aromatises, however that is structurally impossible. What is possible - and much more likely in my opinion - is that it is an inhibitor of 11b-hydroxylase, which would account for both the apparent water retention ("bloat") and high blood pressure some users experience.

Inhibition of 11b-hydroxylase can lead to increased renin secretion which results in higher levels of aldosterone, a mineralocorticoid that causes high blood pressure and water retention through sodium retention and the excretion of potassium. [7]
One study on bodybuilders found far higher levels of aldosterone in the steroid-taking group than in the non-steroid taking group - and these changes remained far past the end of their cycles. [8]
This may or may not be the case for M1T (and many other steroids), but it is food for thought, particularly as a previous study pointed the finger at aldosterone as a cause of left ventricular hypertrophy, and suggested that it's heart remodelling effects may be unrelated to it's blood-pressure increasing effects. [9]

Liver toxicity is also a concern with this compound. While there are many 17a-methylated compounds on the market, they are not all equally hepatotoxic at like-for-like dosages. Protodrol for example is likely to impart minimal hepatic impact at doses of 100mg for six weeks, while 20mg of M1T for a couple of weeks will significantly adversely affect liver function markers. Abuse of this drug with high doses for long periods of time can result in intrahepatic cholestasis (jaundice), and for this reason cycles should be kept short, low-dosed, and alcohol-free.

Recommended Dosages and Cycle Durations:

Most trainees should see dramatic results at 10mg/day for two to three weeks, the cautious may do well on 5mg, while the more reckless will use higher doses and durations. Although cycles are short, it's a strong suppressive compound, so a full SERM PCT protocol is advised.


[1] Acta Endocrinol December 1, 1966 53 635-643 [link]
[2] J. Med. Chem., 1965, 8 (1), pp 48–52 [link]
[3] The History Of Pro-Hormones on Super Human Radio
[4] Senate Bill 2195
[5] Recent Advances in Doping Analysis (14), Sport und Buch Strauss, Cologne, Germany, 2006, pp. 249–258.
[6] J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2009 May;115(1-2):44-61.
[7] Cardiovascular Toxicity of Anabolic Steroids, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Vol. 33: 497-520
[8] Recent advances in doping analysis (12). Sport und Buch Strauß, Köln (2004) 395-401
[9] Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2001 Oct;28(10):783-91.