Quote Originally Posted by markam View Post
I've tried IML Epi andro, and it's legit. Androhard has a much slower timed release, so it feels different. Initially I was concerned at the amounts of Epi, but for me it works much better than regular stanodrol.

Re PCT, if you're only running this, an OTC PCT would be ok, imo. Erase or Triazole, a DAA product (Testforce 2 is my choice, or Iforce Intimidate) and a Testbooster. LGI's REHAB PCT looks good to me and add in some DAA.
I have 2 bottles of the beta batch that PN produced and I may run it solo just to see. I'd think a well planned OTC post cycle would be fine. I fully understand the importance of a SERM with stronger compounds but I'm still reluctant to trust 99% of the RC companies out there. Just too many mixed reviews.