Day 1- First day back to the gym in a solid week..Definitely flat and is ok..took a .5mL dose of NANO particles in the am, and then another 30 minutes prior to my workout...

Dropper with measurements makes it super easy to dose...the taste of the product is not phenomenal..and this is not a complaint, I have never tasted an oral liquid suspension of ANY product that tastes good Case in point, have a drink to wash it down with.

5 minute warmup

Straight into my Chest/trap routine-- Nothing to failure today, today is just attempting to get my body back into my regimen after being out for a week.

Flat Bench
135x10 warmup
225x10 warmup
315x6 speed reps

Incline Bench Press (5 second pause to the chest and then press on each rep)
315 x 8
315 x 7
315 x 6
315 x 5

Trap Routine (My own variation) will post the video when I have enough posts
45lbs per hand x20
90lbs per hand x20

Hanging Ab raises- multiple sets

Ab wheel, full stretches- multiple sets

Clap Pullups-

3 sets of 10 reps

Stretched and called it a day. Not a ton of volume, but again, I was just sick for an entire week. I am actually impressed that all my weights went up easy and this whole workout was done minus a spot and not even close to failure.

Felt very good at the gym. Sweated more then I have in a very very long time. Not sure if this is me getting rid of the illness, or the nano particles. Too soon to know. Back at it tommorrow.