Quote Originally Posted by nate3993 View Post
so the people using AI's are talking out their ass? or you think it's legit? i know that just cuz it doesn't mention it in the trial doesn't mean it couldn't be happening
You know, it really depends. Are they really using lgd-4033? That's tough to say, how easy is it to get a hold of raws for it? Who is synthesizing it over in China and/or who paid to get someone to synthesize it in the first place?

AI use is pretty individual. Some guys can run tren/test at 300/600 or higher and have no need for an AI. I can't even use a single pump of dermacrine without needing an AI (it's crazy, dermacrine might be the most estrogenic thing I've ever taken).

I'd say, start out at a light dose of the AI, like 12.5mg exem ED, and go up from there if you need to. It won't crush estrogen, it'll just keep it low enough to avoid potential problems.