Last couple of days my appetite has been a little lower and I haven't tried to force feed. I'm just going with it. After last nights workout I decided to forego my usual pancakes and eggs. Instead, I had a protein shake with milk. This morning I had a normal (for me) breakfast but lunch consisted of two protein bars and a Gatorade.

The scale reflected the difference and had me at 180. The mirror also seemed to reflect the difference, as my midsection appeared less bloaty and abs seemed a bit more evident.

Still had a good pump in the gym. It was a medium day, so more about moving blood than pushing weight.

Stomach issues were nonexistent today and I was thankful for that.

Based on the reduction of stomach issues and otherwise feeling fine, I am likely to proceed for two more weeks, making it a total of 4. Nothing is set in stone, but that is how I am leaning tonight.