Adjusted the cycle again. I am going to be fully backed by a doctor while doing this. Didn't like the idea, but said he will stand behind me with whatever route I take and make sure everything goes smoothly. I guess helps that I've been going to him since I was young and he has seen my transformation over the years. It's a nice thing that I won't be flying solo on this.

No more OTC PCT.

Running 6 weeks of Epiandro and 4-5 weeks of halo extreme.

PN Epiandro

Halo Extreme

One cap of erase pro every other day on cycle, high amounts of cycle support, and fish oil. Nizoral every 3 days.

Nolva 20mg for 3 weeks, more if needed. Thinking about prolonging this to kill off my gyno that I've had since a young age.

Bioforge in the last week of PCT

Let the gains begin