Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
250 mg a week is waste of time- your HPTA is shut wheter you are using 250 mg of 500mg a week, with max dose of 600 mg- more than 600 mg does not yield better results. So you need to up your dose. 40 mg of T3 is too much for 250 mg of test, and is probably supressing your T4 levels which are needed for proper function of brain, hair growth etc...
Another thing is you dont mention an AI, which will be needed at some point, and you dont mention HCG which is must have. 250 IU 3X a week being optimum dose.
this is a Cruise dose. i am not using it to make me gain muscle (which it will) and 40mcg of T3 is not enough to be catabolic on 250mg Test/week considering your body produces roughly 12mcg-20mcg T3 Daily and you only have 50-70mg Test weekly to counter act those catabolic effects. 250mg and 40mcg is no issue from what i have researched.
i have an AI on Hand of course along with nolva. but at 250mg i don't see that being used any time soon.
why is HCG a MUST? unless i decide to run PCT why would i care to use HCG?
and i know my HPTA is shut down. hence the Cruise dose. i don't care about my HPTA being shut down. i plan on being test for as long as possible.
where did you hear the above 600mg does not give better results? i know people who have gone from 750-1000mg and they say it just keeps getting better as you go up.