Holy shit! I'm a fan! Our show was to start at 9. On an empty stomach I took half the bottle at 8:30. After about 20 minutes or so, I'm feeling nothing really and I'm thinking, 'Fuck this...I knew I should have taken the whole damn bottle'.....and I was going to finish the bottle, but my guitarist struck up a conversation about the show before I could. By then, it was time to go on. About halfway through the 1st song, I got this 'FUCK YEAH' feeling......I'm not sure I can explain it. I just started feeling like a million bucks, and I felt like I was firing on all cylinders, and my head was clear and free.....I had no fucks to give and I was loving the fuck out of life!! I was jacked with energy and vigor, but nbot the cracked out feeling from stims......I've never taken anything that made me feel the way this did last night. Half a bottle lasted me probably 5 or so hours. I was pissed when the show was over. I tried to talk everyone into playing more, I was pumped, jazzed, geeked, whatever.....let's just do something!!

I've another show tonight and half a bottle left. I'm going to follow the same protocol except I'm going to take it 45 minutes before we go on. I can't fucking wait.

Did I drop enough F bombs for everyone?