Quote Originally Posted by WesleyInman View Post
Hey man..HAVOC is amazing..45-60mgs seems to be a sweet spot, and anything higher seems to bring about too much anger and aggression in my experiences with well over a hundred people using this product that I counseled.

Havoc and epi "CAN" convert to pregyno in certain users or in high dosages. You will see this is in theory impossible. I've seen this dozens of times firsthand. It's possible. Keep that in mind.

So let me put a shameless Plug in the mix. Mike and I from Prescription Nutrition spoke about 2 years ago because Havoc was so solid. It seemed to work better then all other epistanes, for whatever reason. So he agreed to mimic it, make it a stronger dosage at nearly the same price. So PN Epistane is identical to havoc, but you get 90caps at 15mgs Each pill for $45 retail..that is before discount codes.

Also the 5 alpha test is decent. I have personally used 3 bottles. It is much weaker then the alternatives. The strongest versions I have found..again a shameless plug, but at the same time, I give you my word this is legit info and the board members can verify this..

PN Epi andro hard and IML Epi andro RX are far better options. They have delivery systems and are dosed way way stronger.

3-400mgs is a sweet spot.

You can get the PN products at http://www.rxwhey.com..or if you cant find them there, visit my store GymNTonic.com, but I believe Mike has them up on the RX whey site so go there first.

If you need the IML version, I can get you a discount on those.

There is no better PH imo on the market today then that Epiandro compound. I will shutup now, bc I am slightly obsessed.
Hey man. I read your log on Epiandro from another forum. Very helpful stuff. Definitely no need to shut up, your opinion is valuable to myself as well as I'm sure the original poster.

Also as a side note, I'm sure you know this but you're a beast and it's sick you get to train with Derek Poundstone. My favorite performance of his was that year he won Fortissimus (now defunct Canadian? event).