Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
AFAIK, ZMA as testosterone booster is BS- zinc does promote testosterone a bit, but test. rise is very insignificant (unless one is deficient), on other hand magnesium has slightly pro-estrogen activity, but not significant either.
Magnesium promotes sleep, plus other benefits- and another thing is taurine works well with magnesium, together they help out muscles big time including heart, so you may add taurine with magnesium for synergistic effect. Actually taurine+ magnesium is used in medicine to treat some heart problems.

Back to ZMA- best is to buy separate zinc and magnesium supps, as ZMA itself is overpriced and magnesium that is used in it is not very well absorbed.

And yes, no problem for women using either of minerals.

The only thing I ever got from it was slightly better sleep from the magnesium. Other than that, I didn't find it to be an impressive test booster.