Quote Originally Posted by O.N. View Post
HCG isn't suppressive have a read here: http://www.bodybuildingforums.com.au/pct-post-cycle-therapy-oct-on-cycle-therapy/4981-epistane-pct-2.html#post91537

Also you do not want to be playing with the HCG dose too much on cycle 250IU 2x per week once compounded in the system is equal to 94% of a normal males LH release.
HCG does more than you think, it not just simulates LH (and FSH a bit) it has a profound effect on number of other hormones- it fasten up thyroid and adrenal etc- and one of downsides is that it aromatise a lot (depending on functionality of testicles) so it does create negative feedback. Now you may say that clomid will fix that but- it will not, as otherwise we would use clomid during cycle itself, but unfortunately it just does not work that way.
In any case- I would not suggest using HCG during PCT.