Week Six: I feel like first off I need to say that this was my best week I have had so far! The motivation has been on a whole different level and my drive and energy in the weight room is ridiculous. I am seeing some noticeable size gains and have been lifting weight no problem that I used to struggle repping with. I am seeing gains and so are the people around me. I have had several people comment on my changes walking around the gym and having everyone ask me the golden question - "so what are you taking"... Unfortunately the ones asking me dont even have their diet or workout plan in line yet so that is always my first bit of information I offer them!

Diet: Needless to say, I practice what I preech. A clean diet is definitely within my practice, and it is paying off! I have been sticking to the lean meats and plenty of dark green and orange veggies, it seems sweet potatoes have been my go to the past 3 weeks for post workout carbs and they are delicous. I've been adding in a little less dairy than I was in the first few weeks trying to cut down fats a little but I havent seen much change from that yet. I'll just have to see how things go the next 2 weeks into my PCT before I can decide my diet post cycle.

Workouts: As I said my workouts have been great! Lots of drive and focus, not to mention strength, each and every day I step into the gym. I'm up about 15lbs on my bench and about 20-25 on my squat but I cant quite remember my exact max before the cycle since when I'm off cycle I dont max much.

Overall: All in all this is going to have to be one of my best cycles I've done and I am giving it a 9/10 right now due to the fact my joints are killing me. However, I cant blame that on the cycle completely because they have always gave me issues. I am up about 13-14lbs in weight consistently and I still have 2 weeks left on cycle, Im praying I keep a good amount of it post cycle. I'll just have to be strict with my workout and diet post cycle to ensure my gains are kept.