My long term experiment with clomid has come to an end, and did not result in a restart. Within three months of coming off clomid - my free and bioavailable testosterone have dropped to the bottom end of the range - they were above midpoint for the two years I took clomid. So I am looking at getting on TRT now ( FYI - almost 55 yo )

With all the options out there ( topical gels, patches, buccal and of course injection of various compounds), what do you consider to be the best approach to take and if you have an opinion as to why I would love to hear it.

My Naturopath is in favor of a sub-lingual delivery system that is done thru a compounding pharmacy here in Calgary - it doesn't seem to be a really common approach but he swears by it - I have my doubts but they may be irrational. It does avoid the problems of oral testosterone and associated liver toxicity (apparently).

Anyways - wondering what the best regimen is as far as dealing with common sides of low test - mostly lack of concentration, fatigue, memory effects, lack of motivation.

Thanks in advance for any advice from this great group