Quote Originally Posted by Freepressright View Post
I'd be interested to see how this product plays with SERMS and natural T-boosters. Seems like a good idea for a PCT staple. But I think the issue with ecdy products is always the same: You NEED a high dosage to get the effects. Keep this coming. This is a great log.
Thanks FreePress..me too..I agree 100%. I do wish I could see labs with this product. I know IronForged agreed to do some with some other people who are running this which is awesome. Ty for the feedback

UPDATE 2/1/2015


Strength- Strength is still good..its better overall all the time. Again thinking it's because I am more recovered, plus additionally I do feel more aggressive.
Muscle Hardness- Not rock hard like an epi andro type hard, but def notice I am harder and fuller then before I ran this.
Size- Def look fuller and bigger..def diet related. I can see changes in my physique depending on my diet pretty regularly.
Endurance- Honestly it's day to day..not sure consistently, it was better for week 2-3 and now it "might" have leveled out.
Cardio Function- Can't say, still goes both ways.
Vascularity- Slightly more vascular for sure.
Aggression- Feel nice and aggressive..def feel like my T levels are boosted as previously mentioned.
Anger- no anger
Depression- no depression
Overall Mood- Mood is good..Much more steady mood then week 1-2 for example.
Acne- NONE
Oily Skin- NONE
Changes in mood/temperment- Improved. Seeing changes in physique and the sleep improvements make night and day changes.
Agression in the Gym- Decent still..a good warm aggression underlying.
How this effects Sex- Improved. Def better. My libido is sky high on this. Erection quality improved. Ejaculatory volume is better.
Sex Drive- Increased for sure.
Any sexually related issues- Overall better sexually. Drive is def. higher, especially in the am.
Nightmares- None this week.
Night Sweats- NONE
Any conversion to gyno/pre-gyno- NONE
liver or kidney issues if they present themselves- None Known
Hair thinning- NONE
Hair Darkening- Hair on face and head appears darker. Might be from other variables too though.
Hair growth- Facial hair is coming in faster.

More info...

Overall, I am about the same bodyweight at the end of this week as I was previous..so I am up about 3-3.5lbs maybe, somewhere in that range..depends on the time and day I weigh in... I have been training all week...haven't had time to post the workouts much..will post 3-4 times more before finalizing this log. Strength feels really solid on this product.

Recovery is the biggest thing I notice. I am recovering so much better then I do minus this product. Sleep is better. I have not taken a sleeping pill in weeks now..which is the first time in years this has ever happened consistently. Still having munchies every night in my sleep and then the other thing is I am recovering almost too quick on non workout days. I find myself waking up somedays early, wide awake, rested and ready to go..but it will be like 5am..so I force myself back to sleep. I have woken up 1-2 times early and stayed up, but I would rather get the full 8hours or so, regardless of improved recovery.

Overall, I am still happy. Feel good, feel strong and feel motivated.

Here is an old video of me competing in an Amateur Strongman comp. I tore my MCL (knee) and was about a week into healing and was wearing a leg brace. Ended up pulling off 1st place in the Lightweight class (231lbs and under) which isn't bad considering such an injury...Anyways, back at it 2morrow night!!